segunda-feira, outubro 27, 2008

Patagonia - Tours

My Dear Friends! Today was a great day. I was out in 2 tours to places close by! I've visited the "center" of Chile (they take into account the territory-to-be in Antarctica, so this means that their center is actually in the south of the country!), I've heard about the history of the colonization of Patagonia (hard land) and in the afternoon I went to see the penguin colony of Otway.... I love the pengiuns (the magellean pinguins). I've also seen a lot of other birds, but they are even harder to photograph, so they are not so present in the pictures. And now, I'm ready for one more work week! Here I go! Kisses and hugs and saudades!


At outubro 27, 2008 12:26 da tarde, Blogger fenix said...

Q espectaculo as fotos dos pinguins!!!

At outubro 27, 2008 12:42 da tarde, Blogger CAP CRÉUS said...

Só para dizer, que não venho mais aqui!:-)

At outubro 28, 2008 3:56 da tarde, Blogger DRei said...

Afinal, os pinguins sempre estavam lá!!! :) Fotos mto giras. Mas havias de ver as minhas de Bruges :P Bjinhos


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