domingo, novembro 02, 2008

Torres del Paine

Hi! So today I went traveling... actually it was a big journey (we've covered around 900km today). It all started at 5AM, when the excursion came to pick me... I went to Torres del Paine, a fantastic natural park, but the weather was so shi)%)((%%(ty that I didn't see has much as I would have liked... however, it was worth the experience and one day out is always great! The top was that at the end the public road was closed because there were some car races and we had to wait until they finished so we could go home! :p Anyway, I saw lots of wild life, a glaciar, some "icebergs", wild nature, it was snowing... .... ... and now I'm ready to sleep! :) Have fun and "look out"!!!!


At novembro 02, 2008 2:12 da tarde, Blogger Ju said...


At novembro 02, 2008 5:58 da tarde, Blogger Joaninha said...

Nocas, não te tenho dito nada, mas ando a seguir o teu blog diariamente! Pareces estar numa grande aventura. Isto de ser biologo tem as suas regalias.. heheh! DIVERTE-TE! Uma grande beijinho!
P.S. - Manda-me um mail, preciso de saber as tuas datas em terras lusas (e do Nikos)!!!


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