quarta-feira, julho 22, 2009

What a nice weekend

Despite the weather, we had a very nice time. First we celebrate Xana's birthday. What a lovely BBQ. It's always nice to meet people, to enjoy food and to eat Ines' cakes! :p Saturday we went to the amazing Gent Fest. Great caipirinhas, great music... great rainny weather! We end up wet, running for the last train, but it was fun.


At julho 24, 2009 6:01 da tarde, Blogger Ju said...

Gent é mta giro! Olha os outros 2 que andavam a galar-se qdo eu fui ter ctg a Bruxelas... ela já tá grávida!

At agosto 09, 2009 4:29 da tarde, Blogger João Soares said...

Olá Ana
Vim do Polegar Verde.
E também sou biólogo!
Simpático blogue. Espero a tua visita ao meu BioTerra.
Um beijinho


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